
I’m back.

Hey Guys.

Ok. I’m back from Costa Rica. It was a rewarding experience where I learned a lot about the Spanish language, the Costa Rican culture, and how many insect bites my body can handle. I hope to see have a digitized version of my trip (and thoughts and pictures) online in the near future. Right now I have about 30 projects I’m trying to get going (for better or worse) and hopefully I’ll get them all done.

First off – washing the dishes.

Of course, the trip wasn’t without its costs. My bank account is reeling from my expenditures, and I’ll have to take these next months carefully. No Vegas gambling spree for me.

The site theme you are viewing is called La Nacion, which is a national newspaper in Costa Rica. You can view La Nacion Online, but I patterned this style off of the actual newspaper (not the web portal). It’s really simple – a huge change from the effects / graphics intense “Hillside” style that you just got down watching.

In any case, I just wanted to say “Hi” again, let you know that I’m not dead and that I haven’t forgotten you.


One Reply to “Ooops”

  1. Hey welcome back… kept on looking for those trip journals… hope to talk to you soon

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