Google Wave

This should have happened years ago. File this into my “Why aren’t things easier?” list.

UPDATE: Apparently the idea of spending an hour and twenty minutes on my website was too daunting for some readers. Let me sum up the video.

Google recently held the 2009 version of its annual Google I/O conference. Essentially, it’s a developers’ conference, devoted to all sorts of nerdy, engineer stuff that Google does so well with. The conference lasted for two days, and two keynotes were given by members of the Google company. The above video is from Day Two’s keynote, presented by a new team at Google: Google Wave.

In short, Google Wave is a new way of communicating online. Today’s online conversations are broken and broken up. I have emails in one place, blog posts in another, Twitter updates, Facebook messages, and instant messages in a third. What if you could seamlessly blend all of these communications together in a way that was intuitive, easy, and a little bit fun? What if it was as intuitive as Google Maps, as easy as Google Search, and a little bit fun like GMail? What if you could also collaborate and share these streams of communication like Google Docs? That’s what this video is about.

The video goes through a number of scenarios and demonstrations, stepping through the typicaly communication problems that they overcame with the new interface. What really helped to sell things was the live, interactive demos. You could see as one presenter typed and published how those results were broadcast on the other presenter’s screen. The demo was not without its sticky points, as the software is still very early, but the presenters handled it pretty well.

It’s something to behold. As you watch them work with the product, it really opens up possibilities. Simply hearing what it’s about, or seeing screenshots, does very little to demonstrate it. It’s a tool to facilitate communication, and communication cannot be adequately photographed or screen captured.

If you have the time, or you’re even a little bit geeky, definitely check out this video.

3 Replies to “Google Wave”

  1. here here I am with Stacy. I got into about a minute and then shut it off… tell me what happens. :>

  2. Thanks, Miles. I did watch some of it and got the gist, but didn’t stay to see the demonstrations. I will give it another go.
    It does sound really cool.
    Now, what do you think of Bing?

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