Dismal Nestity

It seems that every site nowadays, at least one like mine, has some sort of bloody wishlist to it. Why? No one will buy you anything if they are smart. I will have no wishlist ever on my site. Ever.

This weekend was fruitful in a “I slept until 2 in the morning on Saturday” way. But I did finish my english essay, my assembly language program, and I had some inspiration. I wrote a short play entitled “Old Man in the Park” in which a young man on stage is the voice of an old man in a park. I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, yet.

Today I found something short of eerie : Peanut Butter Jelly Time. It’s this wierd flash file. Hooooo man. Anyway, I found the guy who made it by complete accident (and I am too lazy to put his link in, because I have to find it again.)

The Past

Have you ever seen Magnolia? I saw it last night. Now that’s a good movie. I love movies with creative (albeit crack-driven) directors/writers. Jeff
and I started the movie at around 1100(?) or so and didn’t get done until
230 or so. But it was worth it. I want to see it again (right now, actually) but Jeff left for Sioux Falls. And Hafner left for Sioux Falls. So I’m all alone. Hoooo man.

What to do? I|ve been answering emails, listening to music, chatting off and on, and now I’m doing this. After so long of sitting, I get up and go over to my orange juice and magazine and read for a little bit. Then I walk back.

Now I’m exploring the Magnolia website. Hey. Have any of you ever heard of Ben Brown or Ani Moller? Ben Brown has a show. It’s pretty funny. Jeff and I discovered him while looking for Ellen Feiss iSwitch movies. She’s the |stoned| looking iSwitch flick. Check it out – I’m obsessed with her. I’m not sure what it is…


Today I was busy. I had to wake up on time (always a challenge), I had a test in Math (don|t ask), an Essay (rough draft) due in English (went fairly well), Band (Denielle went), created a new form of weed based on crackers (who wants a Krispy?), Student Senate meeting (boring, but long), and play rehearsal (I|m energetic now).

So, now that my day is winding down, I cannot think of what I should do.
There are so many things that I’d like to do that I’m frozen and cannot
act. So, I am going to Carl|s room to watch Star Trek (maybe one day I|ll be into it) and I’m going to have pretzel rods and mountain dew.

Have a great night.

Game Of Love

Hey Kids. Well, some big changes are coming to the site
– I’m looking into Movable Type (which will replace this). See, Movable
Type will let you, my faithful, post messages back to me. Then when I wax
or wane intellectually, you can wax or wane back.

Another improvement? How about being able to post your comments on the
art work? Right now, all that is in works is the ability to post your comments
on a written work, (maybe) programme, and (maybe) music. I’m working on
the pictures (it’s complicated – lay off, okay?!)

Anyway, for Movable Type I will again be depending on the God-like graces of jeff.
Thanks again, Jeff. Tonight I did no homework, but did spend some good quality
time with the wonderful ladies of Emery Hall. And then I forgot my mail
there. Great.

Cash In

Well, people, I went out tonight. I know that it is technically
the morning, and therefore this post is late, but I am still posting at 230 in the morning.

Tonight I had fun.

Glory Pillow

Who’s the goose? I’m the goose. The highlight of my
night was suggesting that for a MidTerm “Veg-Out”, one of the food provided
should be shrimp. Top vote getters were popcorn, pop, and candy. My next
guess would have been steak, but I think that would have gotten me voted
out of the dorm.

Did anyone watch the Cosby Show special on today? Fascinating stuff. I didn’t realize that the Cosby Show did so much to reawayken my inner african-american self. I owe a lot to that Dr.

Nothing else much happend today. Someone is going to buy the cool biohazard granite paperweight I made in exchange for a lot of episodes of popular TV shows, such as Futurama, Family Guy, and Spongebob Squarepants. Hooooo man.

Jeff just informed me that my dream of writing on this every day will soon become squashed and helpless. And I will writhe in pain.

Thanks, Jeff

Sullen for a Day

Somber was the mood today. Thank you jeff for putting a word to it. Quiet and pensive. I was that way until 430, then I just stopped thinking about her. Poof gone. I mean, I am so over her it is not even funny. Elise who? Exactly.

So, right, I am not thinking about her. And then I spend this whole entry
talking about her. No, stop. Other news in my life (I’m getting serious about this Pita) is that I am the webmaster of Zimm Hall website. I don’t yet have rights to the site (I email Dawn Gaffney about that), but I am positive that it should be a fun little project. Be sure to comment your code, kids!

I love this bold idea. I am going to do that more often.
I was also trying to replace all ” ‘ ” with ” | “, but psfff, like that
worked. I keep typing ” ‘ “‘s instead of ” | “‘s. Old habbits die hard.

I have high hopes – there are quite a few new people who might submit (to my awesome powers of persuasion)
and put something on the site. I, too, will shortly add some |nostalgia|
stuff and maybe some graphic artwork (depending on if I get any scanned.)

Crimes of Frustration

I won’t lie to you, I had a bad weekend. I had
to move into a new room, get little sleep (which makes me cranky), and become
“Just Friends” with my now-x-girlfriend.

I didn|t like this weekend. As I drove home, and the sun began to hide
its head, I noticed, subconsciously, the string of pearls coming towards
me, and past me. I realized that everyone had their lights on. People behind
me did, too. Everyone knew that they should have their lights on now, except
me. Did you ever feel that way?

Did you ever feel like everyone else knew what was going on
but you? Like everyone else was at the meeting and you missed it? I have
that feeling often. I feel like everyone else knows what to do, and they
won’t tell me, and I have to just figure it out. It frustrates me. I could
have cried at that moment. Instead, I turned on my lights and kept driving.

What about you? [ ]relate[ ] to me.

The Forgotten

This is for all those whom I have not an email address for:

My new address at school is:
Miles Rausch
391 NE 8th Street
Madison, SD 57042

605 256 5623

I tried to get the word out, though.

Something New Something New

How long has it been since you’ve been able to spy upon my beautiful webonic world? Too long, some say. Others say little to that effect, but despite all that it is still here.

Welcome to Awayken.Com. I have a whole lot of new here for you. It is my pleasure (and hopefully yours) to see the new [A]wayken[.]Com[ ]

Thank you for coming – come again.

This will be updated (in a perfect world) every week at least. Do not hold your breathe.


To those of you visiting the page right now, this may seem to be quite odd. The page has completely changed colors. What gives (you say to yourself)?

The page is changing!! I’ve learned some lessons from some other “[ ]Awayken[ ]”ish pages, and I’m putting those into practice. We’ll see what develops. This will be the only change for now.

New Direction

If I was forced to write a mission statement for this site, it would have been: A site designed as a haven for people who wish to share images, documents, programs, music, and ideas of all sorts. I’ve decided to change this slightly. It would now be: A site designed to challenge the average thinker into seeing beyond the box and allowing them to share ideas of all sorts for that purpose.

Let me know what you think.

Hotel California

Well, my brother has graduated. Now he will, too, start the life of a college student. Let’s hope he doesn’t lose it. Not that he’s unstable. I hope this for everyone. It’s a lot of stress.

Good luck, Bryce!!


School is out and I (should/will) have more time for my website. At least, that’s what you would think, isn’t it? We hope so, don’t we? I’ll update this as much as possible, but no guarantees. The site is (of course) always changing. Always… Stop back as often as possible.