Accidental Hijynx


Water!, originally uploaded by m!les.

So, Holli came over to do a quiz for Art History, and she goes into the bathroom. I then hear, “Oh! Hunny! I don’t know what I did!” Water was gushing everywhere. Holli had gone in to wash her hands, and it just happened to be the last movement needed to break the facet from the pipe. A couple phone calls, a visit from Justin Nowick, and 4 inches of standing water later, all my towels were wet and the plumbers were scheduled to come the next morning. Of course, there are pictures.

Bytes in Brandon Valley

Let's Go!
Let’s Go!, originally uploaded by m!les.

They Bytes was asked to perform (with a message) to a college prep course. We met Mike down there, and the six of us did three games, a sketch (a skit with a large emphasis on improv and only an outline of events) about the dangers of binge drinking (plus a conversation), and some words about college life. It was toodles. I got some pictures.


Easter Dinner
Easter Dinner, originally uploaded by m!les.

I went home for Easter, and Holli went home for Easter. This year’s Easter was pretty laid back. We plaid guitar at church, and we made Ben’s spicy beans (These beans are so spicy that I cried the first time I ate them. I cried like a girl ignored at prom). We did bowling, too, which was nice. We played the crazy kind of Balderdash (David’s version). Then we had supper at Sue’s place and I brought Ben’s beans (The first time I ate these beans I cried. I cried like a Star Wars fan after Episode I). Then I went back to Madison. There are pictures.

Holli’s Birthday

Holli in her Birthday Suit
Holli in her Birthday Suit, originally uploaded by m!les.

Holli had her 20th birthday on the 15th. Unfortunately, we couldn’t celebrate until that Monday. So I gave her her presents: Adidas Moves for Women, markers, I wrote her a myth, a messenger bag (this present came days later, and I had to do a lot of sneaking to get her to go to her car for no reason and find it). You can read her post on the day. She was on duty for part of the time, but we headed down to Sioux Falls and ate at Ruby Tuesday (my first time ever – very very excellent), watched “Thank You For Smoking” (very funny and satirical), and got some Coldstone Ice Cream. I think she had a good day. Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Pictures are here.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Smile!, originally uploaded by m!les.

First: it’s my dad‘s 46th birthday is today.

Second: it’s CSS Naked Day. That’s why the page looks weird. I’ve taken all the styling off of it, so it’s only the HTML.

Third: it’s hecka late, and I’m completely dead.

Fourth: The play is this week! Check it out in the sidebar (for details). I think it’ll be a good time, but I won’t say that it hasn’t had it’s sacrifices.

Fifth: the gala was nice. I was planning an entire post on it, but my life has caught up with me. I will say that, while I’m not the best at social interactions, it was nice to dress up and eat a nice meal with my parents, brother, and girlfriend. Pictures are here. I also have video of Tony and Tyler.

Sixth: look over there!

Hello, Trojan Times Reader

Gah…, originally uploaded by m!les.

Q: What do gangsters love best about PowerPoint presentations? A: The bullets.

I don’t know if you read the Trojan Times. I skim through the occasional issue. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with The Trojan Times. Mostly hate. Of the three or four articles that I have submitted (including a small advert for our lol cards), only one was ever published. The others received no explanation; they simply didn’t make it into the paper. So, let’s just say my readership is glancing at best.

Last week’s paper was no different than the rest. Nestled amongst such gems as “Twenty best excuses for calling in sick” (which was taken from the internet and includes my personal favorites of I eloped, My monkey died, and I had to ship my grandmother’s bones to Indie (note: she passed away 20 years ago)) are the occasional article that catches my attention. I would to say that it’s the biting social commentary or a poignant real-life story, but it usually isn’t. In this issue, it was the word “blog”.

The article was titled “Blogging gains popularity at Dakota State”, and it was decently short, so I scanned it. By “scanned” I mean, I read the author, Matt Paulson, and then I looked at the end of the article. It was there that I saw a link to Matt’s personal site,, and I said (probably outloud), “Some people are shameless.” Then I scanned backward and came upon a surprise. I saw “” in the second column. Then a previous conversation came back to me where Matt said, “I mentioned your blog in an article. You don’t mind, do you?” I forgave him.

So, to that one reader that followed that link, I salute you and welcome you. I normally post more often than I have this week, but I’ve been busy, and I will thank you very much for not making a big deal of it.

Tuesday was Mardi Gras. Oh, it was also my birthday. The day went well. I got some nice presents and quite a few phone calls.

Presents (from):

Phone calls (from):

  • Mom
  • Tony
  • Bryce
  • Molly (who I mistook for Erin and then Britt)
  • Grandma and Grandpa
  • Dad
  • (Cousin) Brenna, Katie, and Greg

Then my phone died.

There was also, that day, our first rehearsal for The Actor’s Nightmare. It went well. I’m a little worried about my part. When we first read it, I felt I had most of the inflections down. But that was only the first read through! I think that I’m going to try a lot of different approaches to some lines and then see what works best instead of just going with my first interpretation. But, I like the piece, and I look forward to further rehearsals. I play George Spelvin and Holli plays Meg, the stage manager.

Wednesday began Lent. I decided for lent that I would give up swearing and attend all of my classes. And this Lent is sure to kick Ash. First off, I was worried. I hadn’t ever called David and told him church times or offered to go with him. I thought of it twice that morning, but seeing as my phone was dead, I couldn’t call him. I didn’t remember again until I was sitting in church. I was in a slight panic until communion when, walking back to my pew, I spied David. Almost as a reflex, he showed me peace, and I pointed at him. All was good.

After church, Holli and I ate in the TC for my one meal. Then she had rehearsal for the other play “Who Am I This Time?” (what a busy girl!) and I went back to my apartment to do homework before bowling. Holli got done, we did homework, then we swung by and picked up David for bowling. It was decided that Cherry Lanes isn’t a very good place. They also changed their policy for Wednesday Night Bowling. It’s $6.00 in and then $.25 for each game. Apparently it’s normally $2.40 a game, but as such, we played two games, and left $.20 ripped off. Holli had to do the turkey walk once, and I almost got three strikes in the final frame of our last game. I broke the “No Swearing” rule a couple times at bowling.

Thursday was a crazy hectic day. Tuesday-Thursday is always busy for me, and I get only a couple minutes for lunch (or I have to take it in class). John Webster asked me to talk to my TAPpin’ class as a substitute teacher sort of thing. I had done this last week Thursday as well, but this time I didn’t know what I was going to say until 20 minutes before class when he called me at home. I normally like a little more time than that, but I made it work. The class went well.

The other hectic thing was regarding my WAPII class. I had an assignment due, which I had gotten done already, but I figured I could print it in the 10 minutes I had before class started (which is right after Choir gets over). I was wrong. I didn’t get done printing (because my tablet is a stupid machine) until 20 minutes into class. As I was walking over, I realized that we had a test today, and that I was 20 minutes late for it. As such, I got the assignment handed in, the test taken, and the programming part of the test all complete and (mostly) correct. I think the professor was impressed that I managed to get it all done, but I haven’t really found this stuff challenging yet.

Holli had to work, so we didn’t really hang out much. I spent that time getting really indepth into my Advanced Discrete midterm. Most of the midterm was actually fairly easy. Practical problems in math always are. It’s the proofs that cause troubles. I was very pleased with the answers I came up with for those. They made sense, seemed to answer the question, and I hope they’re right. Proof math is by far my weakest point, and I usually need a lot of help getting one figured out, either by internet or group work. So, we’ll see.

This weekend Holli and I are Huffing it to Hawarden, IA. It should be fun. I’m still nervous with her family, but if all goes well, her family will like me, her sister won’t think I’m a loser (that’s all you can hope from teenagers), no one will get hurt, and then on Sunday on our way back, we’re going to have supper with my grandparents and Aunt Karin and Erin. It should be nice. Then it’s Spring Break! Time to stock up the keggers and make alcohol bongs!

Happy Birthday Dan

Dan, originally uploaded by m!les.

You’re 23? Oh my, oh me!

Fitter, happier, more productive,
not drinking too much,
regular exercise at the gym
(3 days a week),
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries,
at ease,
eating well
(no more microwave dinners and saturated fats),
a patient better driver,
a safer car
(baby smiling in back seat),
sleeping well
(no bad dreams),
no paranoia,
careful to all animals
(never washing spiders down the plughole),
keep in contact with old friends
(enjoy a drink now and then),
will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall),
favors for favors,
fond but not in love,
charity standing orders,
on Sundays ring road supermarket
(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants),
car wash
(also on Sundays),
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate,
nothing so childish – at a better pace,
slower and more calculated,
no chance of escape,
now self-employed,
concerned (but powerless),
an empowered and informed member of society
(pragmatism not idealism),
will not cry in public,
less chance of illness,
tires that grip in the wet
(shot of baby strapped in back seat),
a good memory,
still cries at a good film,
still kisses with saliva,
no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick,
that’s driven into frozen winter shit
(the ability to laugh at weakness),
healthier and more productive
a pig in a cage on antibiotics.

Happy Birthday Brenna!

Brenna, originally uploaded by m!les.

Brenna turns ten years younger than me today. I mean 13. Did you get her anything as cool as this?

Also, for the downtime, I am working on bringing the blogs back up. Right now I have Holli back up, and David should be up soon, as well. I’ll keep you guys posted as I get the others back up and going. Themes may be a little while in getting set up, yet, but I’ll try to get you a nice selection to choose from.

Happy Birthday Mom

I’m heading home for the night just to see my mom on her birthday. Plus, I get lobster.

The Band Concert itself is on Sunday, December 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Dakota Prairie Playhouse.

One week later, the Concert Band plays for the Fall Commencement. It begins at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 19th.

There is also this article about CRESH (where I work here at DSU) in the PeopleTalk eNewsletter, Issue 4. In it, John Webster is quoted saying, “Enterprise Portal lets users access all the applications through one, super-sweet, customizable, perfect interface.” Deep down, he’s a big boy trying to be an adult. Hell, half is job is to take a lot of vacation in foreign countries.

I’m working on a Developer blog using WordPress technology. There’s not much to | Developer right now, but there may be more in the future. Or, I could just totally abandon it some time in the future.

I’m so ready for classes to be over.

I’m using my mood to post Things To Do In Your Life, little things you should do some time in your life to gain grace or karma or whatever. Little neat things that you should take time to do before you die. I’m on number three, as of December 10th.

I’ve pretty artistically motivated lately. I’ll see if I can’t get some new things worked out for the site. I’m hating the gallery as it is, and I need a new way to do my poetry and prose and stuff. I’ve wanted to make my own content management system, but it might be a lot of work. We’ll have to see what I get motivated to accomplish.

The novel is still going well. In case you forgot, you can read it here.I probably won’t write much more to it until after next week, but I’m always writing it in my head. And I’m also picturing all of you nude, at the same time.

Lastly, good luck to everyone on your finals.

…respek knuckles!