Meet Me In St. Phoey

Guess what? I’m in another play!

“Meet Me in St. Louis”

Spring Musical

Where: Dakota Prairie Playhouse
When: March 26-27and April 2-3 at 7:30 p.m. & April 4 at 2:00 p.m.

General Admission: $9
Seniors/Teens/Kids/DSU Staff: $4
DSU Students: free with ID

But, in an effort to keep some of my fans, I’m going to try to make this a post.

This musical is a riot. Here’s a basic synopsis of the plot. We meet the Smith Family. There is Mr. and Mrs., Agnes and Tootie (the token little kids), Esther, Rose, and Lon (the goody-two-shoes older children), Grandpa (whose fez fetish caused Grandma to leave him), and Katie (the irish white slave).

We watch the inane inner household of this 1904, typical upper class St. Louis suburban family for about three scenes. The girls only think about marriage. The boy only thinks about food. The dad only thinks about his bath. And the major conflict is what time supper is.

They are all a titter over the World’s Fair, coming soon to St. Louis. Who in God’s name chose St. Louis for the WORLD’S Fair? Was it that arch? Was that it? They could have held it in Washington, D.C., our nation’s capitol. They could have held it in New York, the most populous city in America. Instead, they chose to have such an outstanding fair in St. Louis, city of Nelly.

So, we watch them for a while. A LONG while. Then, randomly, a bright orange trolly with a little kid as conductor shows up on stage and all these random chorus people begin to sing “The Trolley Song”. Wait, that’s not a little kid. It’s Miles! But his outfit is a little big, so he looks 12 or 13, which is just the look he wants. Gracious.

Lon has a going away party, but he never goes away. There’s a ballroom dance, where I personally dance for just short of an hour, which also has little reason but to bore the audience and give me cramps in my calves. There is all this drama because Mr. Smith gets a job New York and they have to move, before the fair! Oh, Gosh!

In the end, Mr. Smith doesn’t have to move and nothing really happens at all in the musical. The girls get boyfriends, Lon (who goes nowhere) gets a girlfriend, Tootie and Agnes get to see lights out of doors, and Katie is free of her servitude. No, not really.

In this play, I play three characters – Lance and Sidney Purvis who are twin brothers and their uncle (the motorman), Ed Purvis. This means four costumes, two changes of which are in the same scene and minutes within each other. Lance is “normal Miles”. Sidney is “afraid of girls and bad dancer Miles”. Ed is “happy super anime fun Miles”. All-in-all, it’s a lot of sweat.

You should show up. If you’re good, I’ll let you wear my motorman hat.


[ musical ]/[ banjo ]/[ gracious ]

Guest Post (Grey Album)

by Bryce Rausch, my brother, who writes for the SMSU (formerly SSU) Spur.

DJ Danger Mouse, what an intimidating name, is a hip hop disc jockey who has not been paying attention to news. He took two musical Gods and mixed them together, unfortunately, he didn�t tell either of the artists. He mixed the rapper Jay-Z�s �The Black Album� and The Beatles� �The White Album.� You don�t have to be an Art major to figure out that black and white makes grey, hence the name of his little album.

He claims it was all in fun and he just wanted to give it to friends and family, �Merry Christmas �Nana�, but he also sold some copies to a record store to get his name out. After that, because of Al Gore inventing that darned internet the music got everywhere.

Guess who wasn�t pleased: Jay-Z and the Beatles. Lennon reportedly rolled over in his grave and Jay-Z was so upset he bought another gun.

Logically, if you didn�t want anymore trouble you�d apologize and get those CD�s you�ve made for �Nana and Booby and plead forgiveness, right? Wrong. Once the Grey Album his the news and EMI records, The Beatles music�s babysitter, and letters from lawyers were released DJ�s pals started up website and made Tuesday February 24 �Grey Tuesday�. There were a plethora of websites posting the album for free download, just to antagonize the RIAA and EMI.

You have to love that. There were over 150 websites posting these illegal tracks!

I am not a fan of the RIAA bullying kids on computers. They push people around, slap enormous fines on them and all in the name of the law. I may have been able to buy that poor Britney Spears and the band Metallica were starving to death for a while, but then I watched �Cribs� on MTV. Their garages are the size of our entire university and they have more vehicles then we have in our parking lot.

Though Jay-Z and EMI may not be happy about this new album, I�m sure they�ll sue until they feel better.

[ guest post ]/[ humour ]/[ ‘nana ]/[ booby ]


I guess I tried the poem first. I used to write poetry to her all the time. I compared her to angels; I lamented my inability to write about her beauty. So, I tried again.

Moonlight in your hair
flaxon, beautiful and faire
standing on your stoop
I wonder if you care.

You held me in your arms
and then I felt alarm
and now I am retreating
from pain and hurt and harm.

It was fake. It wasn’t even a good poem, but it was superficial on top of that. It was horrible; it made me cringe to think of how she would have to pretend to love it. It’s been so long since I’ve written about her… so long.

“DIE LOVE” A pierced heart, dripping with blood. I was never much of a sketch artist, either. I stuck to simple drawings, when I had to. I’d never taken an art lesson in my life, and I didn’t plan to, either.

I wrote some lyrics. Radiohead was my favorite band. Bush was hers. Both songs seemed out of place. I used to sing “Motion Picture Soundtrack” to her all the time, while playing guitar. It sounded hollow now – empty.

She hated math, but I love it. She was always the dreamer, while I was always the logical one. I found solace in the predictability of math equations. My heart rested easily in the bosom of proofs and theories. I could not be spontaneous, which is I had to write down what I wanted to say.

At the bottom of the page was written, in my hand:

I want a divorce
I won’t be home ever
I hate you

I picked up the phone and dialed home. Then I heard her voice.


I froze. I couldn’t do this. I grabbed my eraser and scribbled furiously. Then I rewrote another message.

“Honey? Is that you?”

In a shakey voice I said, “Still at work.”

“Oh, ok. I guess you’ll be working late again. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Love you.”

“I love you, too.”

There was a click as the line was cut. It took all I had not to cry. I guess this would be just one more day. One more day of being late.

Download it at deviantART.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Well, another day gone by. I would like to apologize for the lack of posting. It’s not that I, in the words of one ungrateful reader, “don’t care anymore”; it’s mostly that the play is now in full gear, and I’m lucky if I get to eat supper before 1100 at night (when most food places are closed). I get so tired that the last thing on my mind is posting, especially since homework is greatly escalating.

I do, however, happen to enjoy my wallpapers, and that’s why I post them. If you don’t like them, then I’ll quit putting them up. I guess I wore out my welcome, as people haven’t said anything nice about them (except for Megan) for months.

I did however put together this new stylesheet, one of 6 or so that I have going at the moment. Soon to appear will be a Sepia version of the site, along with versions for holidays (which I will unveil as fit) and other special occasions.

I am currently working on something like nine posts. 4 funny, 3 prose, and two wallpapers. And, on Friday, you will get a wallpaper again unless someone wants to post a guest post. So, Tony, if you hate my wallpapers so much, why don’t you write something funny, eh?

Anyway, I wish you all a good St. Patrick’s. Wear green or my mom will pinch you so hard they have to reinflate you, and I’ll get something up as soon as I can.

Love and kisses,


[ settle down tony ]


We both lie on our backs, facing the golden disc in the sky. The long, green grass is soft and cool against our warm, summer-kissed skin.

We stare up at the sky. Thousands of white, cotton-fluffed clouds skirt across a deep blue field. The shapes join and divide into a menagerie of animals, blobs, and household items.

Three butterflies play upon the delicate breath of the wind. When I squint, their colors stretch into a column that reaches above them and dives below them.

I turn my head to look at you, but all I see is your notebook. The wind blows back the cover, and I see something written in sky blue ink.

love me until the sky falls down…

I look, but you’re gone. I squint at the words in your notebook, and they stretch into columns. I pick up the notebook with your command safely nestled within its pages. I vow to keep those words for as long as I live.

I will love you until the sky falls down…

Download it at deviantART.


This is a wallpaper Megan made for me.

The text says, “Love me until the sky falls down…” and it has three butterflies on it.

She made this in MS Paint on my tablet.

Download it at deviantART.

A graphic with a butterfly on it and it says Megan Did This on it

Guest Post (Gambling Not only passes time but pays tuition)

by Bryce Rausch, my brother, who writes for the SMSU (formerly SSU) Spur.

When I turned 18 I had no clue what I was in for. I knew I would get addicted to something but had no clue it would be gambling. Actually, I wouldn’t say I’m completely addicted I just have to gamble all the time and if I don’t I kick
ducklings until I feel better. Not that I don’t like ducklings, but we all have to relieve stress somehow, right?

I am writing about gambling because lots and lots of college students are willing to sacrifice their $3 tip from delivering a Papa John’s pizza in a blizzard to drunk
college kids on a single hand of black jack at the $3 minimum tables.

Easy come, easy go right?


I will be the voice for college students against their parents who say, “You have wasted away $20,000 this semester on Texas Hold ‘Em, but we’re still proud.” Well,at least you didn’t buy crack or a wife with that 20 grand, right?

As the Fresh Prince said, “parent’s just don’t understand.” Sing it, Willie.

When we’re standing behind a stack of chips taller than the stack of our unfinished homework we really have no choice but to double down or at least split them aces.

College students live in a place with few things to do besides go to the bar and earn a degree, so unless we want to do our homework or get destroyed we have no other option but to leave town and go to a place where we can help earn our tuition money a thousand times faster than a job. So thank you casinos of our area for so warmly welcoming us to your establishments. Thank you for taking my money so graciously. At least your pop is free.

[ guest post ]/[ humour ]/[ free pop ]

Simple Trees

I was in psych class last week. I attend sometimes, but not as often as I should. I know pretty much everything we go over, so class is fairly boring.

If I do attend, I sit and write or draw. It seems like I’ve been drawing forever. It really is a passion of mine, to sit and pour my soul out through ink onto paper. I always start with a clear mind. I just let my hand go and then refine what develops out of my rambling sketches. It’s refreshing to see something come out of nothingness.

So, I was sketching in psych class last week when the professor holds up a sketch. “This,” he says, “is a drawing my darling son did of two trees when he was 5. Notice that only the greatest details are shown. He drew the family in. Look at how the heads are larger and the hands and feet don’t even seem to have ends to them. This is an unconscious statement of the idea that he and his family and the trees are all that his world represents. There is nothing else out there.”

He held up another sheet of paper. “This,” he went on, “is a drawing my same son did when he was 10, twice as old. It is, again, of the same two trees and it has him and his dog instead of the whole family. The features are more defined. There are leaves and bark lines, and the dog wears a collar. This represents all that makes him happy. He is happiest out of doors with his favorite canine companion.”

He held up a third sheet. “This,” he stated, “is a drawing my son did when he was 15. Same two trees, but this time there is only himself. There is clear, adult detailing in this one. He used different shading techniques to give it a real look. Perspective is cleaner, as are the proportions. In this one, though, there is only himself. This represents his feelings of alienation at that age. His dog has died, his family ‘hates’ him, and all he has left are the trees.”

All throughout his lecture, I felt my hands moving, but I didn’t see what they were doing. They raced across the paper. When I looked down, I had drawn two trees. There was no person, but there was a cemetery. It represented my discovery of death, mortality, and finality. Even when we all die, there will still be the trees, waiting for the next little boy to draw them.

I signed my drawing and placed it carefully in my bag. I felt the professor looking at me as I left. “Did you enjoy the lecture?” he asked me. I smiled and nodded but said nothing. I had learned a lot today. Who knew that my dad’s psych class could be so educational?

Download it at deviantART.

The Most Important Part of My Weekend

I have a good post waiting, guys. I just need to get my scanner humming, and then the laughter can begin. It’s a waiting game from here – that’s all. So, while I was thinking of what I could write to hold you over, Megan informed me that I could tell you, my readers, a little story about this weekend.

This weekend was none too big. We tried to go to the Zoo on Saturday only to find it had closed four hours previously. We ate at an Arby’s (where I didn’t realize that all their meals are kid’s meals), and then went home.

Sunday, however, was a different story. We met at China Moon, me with Cribbage in hand, to eat lunch. There is always a good selection of food at the Moon on Sundays, and, despite the slightly more inflated prices on that day, is well worth the trip.

After enjoying the first bites of our meal, we get the board out and start shuffling. Playing Cribbage at China Moon has become a tradition of ours. As a result, Megan has gotten quite good at the game. After I refresh her on what numbers together make 15 (“It’s 9 and 8, right? No. 9 and 6. What goes with 8? 7?”), we deal and the game begins.

Several good hands later, she is about 30 points ahead of me. She does her best to sound supporting but not overly condescending. It doesn’t work. “You’ll get some good hands, sweetie. Don’t worry.”

Then I get a decent hand. I count up, whoa, six points. Then, as I go to put my hand down, I realize that I didn’t use the 4 that was cut. I tell her that, explaining that my hand was perfect for a four – I would probably double my points. She says, “Too bad. It’s against the rules.”


“You wouldn’t let me do this, and you know it.”

That is not true. Of course I would. You always get a chance to recount your cards.

“No way. You lost your chance. You put your cards down.”

No, this isn’t the same thing. YOU wanted to take back the cards you put in the crib because you saw what was dealt. That’s not the same thing.

“Sorry. Don’t cry about it.”

How many times did I recount your cards, or let you count them again? How many times?

“Fine, move. How many points would you have had?”

I don’t know. You took my cards.

“Just move.”

No. You said it was against the rules. I wouldn’t want to break any rules of the game that I taught you.

“Ugh! Move 4 or I will move back 4.”


She goes to move.


I move my page four points forward.

“Is that the number you would have had?”


“No it’s not. How many? Just move some.”

No. That is cheating.

“I will start crying right here, I am serious.”

So, with that drama behind us, and 6 points added to my side, the game continues, and Lady Luck does not smile in my favor. In fact, the point spread gets worse. She continues to give me words of encouragement while my best hands are about 10 points short of her average hands.

I despondently eat my chicken teriyaki. I just play the hands and pay little attention to what may happen during them. That is why it snuck up on me. She easily pushes her peg into the finish spot and looks at me triumphantly.

Good job, baby. You won.

I try to sound cheery for her. Then I hear her say, so softly I can barely hear it, and so gently that it hardly befalls my ears, something I never thought I’d hear.

“What does that ‘s’ mean?”

It means skunk. If the other player isn’t past that mark, then they are skunked.

“Oh. So that means I skunked you.”

The realization was slow in setting in, but once it hit, it hit hard. She had skunked me. I have to tell her before every game that eight and seven make fifteen, and she skunked me. They say that all teachers hope that their students will outsmart them, but I never wanted this.

I never wanted this.

[ cribbage ]/[ megan ]/[ chineeeeese ]

You’ve Got the Style

Hey folks. I’ve been experimenting with stylesheets lately. This is a nostalgic look back at “comedown”, the version before this vistan.

I’m working on making each stylesheet totally compatible with the others. This way, I can change the entire look of the site (within certain limits) without changing the code.

Look forward to stylesheets for different holidays and special days of my choosing.

What do you think? I will probably only do main, comment, archive, and individual entry pages. Wallpaper, poetry, prose, images will not be ‘skinned’ like this.

And now, the quizzes!!


Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but its there, and your friends can see it. You constantly feel alone, and need to do things to fill your time. Your afraid to tell people this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad way, and you think you screwed up everything. And when you are in love is when you are sad the most.

What Emotion Dominates you?
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Ghost or spirit: You are a lost soul. Very calm and sweet, you are often the one who asks: What if? With a clever mind, you want to explore the world on a different level. Without the answers, you aren’t ready to move on. You are most likely very creative and find yourself thinking things through on a different level.

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
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You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

“And The Phoenix’s cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal.”

Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun.

As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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You are NEMO!

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
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You’re a natural born trouble-maker. You hate authority and do everything you can to get around the law, or in some cases, break it. Naturally stubborn, you hardly ever sway once a decision is made. Your nature is fiery and courageous, and always out-going. You love attention and usually have kinky fetishes you’re not afraid to explore. People either love you or hate you.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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you suck, and that's sad

you are the “you suck, and that’s sad” happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit brutal.

which happy bunny are you?
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Aryan Bear

Aryan Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
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A SILVER Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is SILVER. Click here to try the Quiz!

My inner dragon is to dragons what the Ranger is to humans. I possess considerable intelligence and self-confidence. I live by my own code of ethics and I stick to it at all times. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

You’re The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman.

Though you’re interested in war, what you really want to know is what causes war. You’re out to expose imperialism, militarism, and nationalism for what they really are. Nevertheless, you’re always living in the past and have a hard time dealing with what’s going on today. You’re also far more focused on Europe than anywhere else in the world. A fitting motto for you might be "Guns do kill, but so can diplomats."

Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

You’re Italy.

You pretty much feel like you are the most long-standing bastion of civilized humanity on the face of the earth. While this is probably not true, you do have a noted history of living the good life and spreading culture to those around you. More recently, however, things have started to slide and you’re having a hard time staying together and not getting beaten up. People still like to ask you how it was to be the center of high culture, but your days at the top are long past you. Avoid volcanoes, flooding, and unstable buildings wherever possible.

Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

[ nostalgia ]/[ inform ]


I have just added four works by Bryce in the poetry section.

It’s well worth your time to read. Check out his other poetry. Check out any else’s poetry for that matter.

[ poetry ]/[ bryce ]/[ news ]

Four Hours to Rule Them All

This weekend was my little sister’s Birthday. Brenna, who is now 11, turned 11 this weekend. Brenna tends to annoy me, at the least. I hope and pray everyday the she doesn’t always act this way, but I’m sure my heavenly clutching will have an answer some day. If they don’t, then I may have to do something drastic.

There was ice cream cake, family, and a meal. There were presents and misspeakings (check out and family and Tony. The problem with this is that it was all over by Saturday night. Soon we were marooned on the boredom train.

Saturday night, Bryce, Tony, and my father start playing cribbage. Megan and I wanted to play, but they said “no, you’re stupid”, so we didn’t. Instead I went to the game closet. I perused the gaming items we had. There wasn’t much. Golf, puzzles, balderdash, and then I saw it.


What is Risk? Risk is the classic game of global domination. I say “classic” because that means “old” and I say game because it sucks life out of you. This is what we decided to do while they played their game.

Within minutes, Bryce and Tony were begging us to let them play. They were also begging us to teach them how to play. I found it shocking that we knew how to play but they didn’t, but I soon got over that. I would have to explain the game to them.

Saying that RISK is an easy game to explain is like saying Kurt Cobain was “down in the dumps.” The main strategy is to have more armies in one territory than your opponent. There are little formulas that you use to decide how many armies you can add in one turn. After you add, you can attack. This is where the action happens. You roll dice. The attacker has red dice and can roll a max of the number of armies on that spot minus one. The defender gets white dice and he can roll a max of the number of armies he has defending his territory. There are three red dice and two white dice.

We finally get all the rules explained and we start. A good idea, when placing armies, is to group them together. A tight, compact army is a healthy army. Megan began by taking Europe, and I began taking Asia. Bryce started taking Australia, and Tony started randomly placing armies. He soon noticed a pattern in how the rest of us placed our men.

“Are we supposed to put our guys together?”

“No, Tony. It’s a good idea to space them out like that. That way you can gather more land. You can use some of your armies as spies to infiltrate other enemy territories.”

“Ok, if you say so…”

We told him the truth immediately after we were done placing armies at which time he chose some choice expletives to launch in our direction. Too bad, Tony. I enjoy every little bit of power that I have. Army placed, the game then begins. You basically just try to take over the world, hence the subtitle.

The battles began. It all began civil enough. We began our conquests of our respective continents. None of us had all of one continent except for Bryce, who had Australia. Tony had little guys all over the place. The majority of them seemed to be in America, but there was one guy in South Africa. Don’t ask me why, but he was a quick meal for Bryce’s ebony soldiers in the surrounding areas.

As the dice rolled a mysterious thing began to happen; Bryce and Tony began winning. Bryce was making his Aussie soldiers come up to the Thai territory. At first I was able to thwart him, but I couldn’t hold him for long. A random role of the die can make your one remaining army look and feel strong and powerful. On the other hand, it can make you feel like your 5 armies are trying on women’s clothing instead of field training. The beautiful Thai empire fell to backwoods wankers from Australia.

Meanwhile, Megan was coming under fire in her South America strong hold. Tony got power hungry after America fell so fast, and decided to head south of the border. His strategy was to put all his armies on the border. This was usually a number like 20 or so against 3 or 4. With each victory, he would build up forces again, and he would go after another nation. Eventually, Megan was marooned in Europe. Tony now had two continents. Bryce was beginning a big move in Africa. Things didn’t look good.

Then Bryce and Tony fought. They both had about 15 armies. Tony was striking out from South America for Africa (yes – you can do that in RISK) and the dice rolling began. You don’t know how exciting it is to watch Bryce and Tony roll dice back and forth for 15 minutes at 1:30 in the morning. You really really don’t. This is when each player begins another battle. This is the battle for interest in the game. The thing is, if you’re not winning, then the game isn’t nearly as fun. Go figure.

I could see where this was going. I came up with a plan. I whispered my plan to Megan, and she thought that it was a good idea. I didn’t tell either of the superpowers what I was doing. Instead, next turn, I made a deal with Tony. I would give him one of my Asian properties if he would just leave the Middle East alone. He was wary. I told him that I would even take my men off the map. This way he doesn’t have to lose guys in a fight, but I need the Middle East. He reluctantly agreed.

My plan was going well.

Megan and I began making more appeasements than actual battles. Bit by bit I established a line to Australia. Then I started moving my men in. Part one of plan complete. Next phase began. Megan battles me for the Middle East place. She won, quite easily I might add, and Bryce and Tony exchanged glances.

“Here you go, hunny. I’m sorry you’re losing,” Bryce mocked in a high falsetto voice.

“Thank you sweetie-pops. You make me so happy,” mimicked Tony in a higher falsetto voice.

Then they started making out. It was horrible.

In the next move Bryce wanted to take another territory I had. One along that line. We freaked out and tried to make a deal with him. Bryce, being wary, wouldn’t take it. “I’m going to see what you guys are up to.” We battled and, fortunately, I won. He took in the board for a second. “Tony. Kitchen.” With that they got up and left.

What if they align against us? What if they try to thwart us? To deal with our grief, Megan and I placed extra armies where we already had some. Thankfully, neither Bryce nor Tony had any idea that we did that (until now). The superpowers came back. They had their own ideas.

“Alright; we’ll tell you.”

“No, don’t!”

“Megan, they must know. [dramatic pause] Our intentions were not ill in nature. It’s pretty obvious that one of you two is going to win. So, we decided that we would run away to Australia, share the island, and live out our days on the beach until the winner of you two came to kill us. All we wanted was to be comfortable before the end of the world.”

They considered it. “But then you’ll just build up your armies and come back and defeat us.”

“There is no way we can have enough armies built up by then. You know that – I know that – we know that – dogs know that. Let our love live!!” He conceded. Megan and I made our way to Australia and camped out there. We were happy, for a bit. After a couple rounds of adding three armies, I was tired. Megan and I retired to the couch, to wait out the impending doom. Suddenly, Bryce stood up.

F*** this game! I quit!

And, thus ceremonially, Tony became the ruler of the world. Too bad he had no more citizens; we all went to bed.

[ humour ]/[ global yawnination ]/[ risk ]


skin like stone
            not hard and cold
                        but smooth and perfect
                                    and mildly shown
                                                what are you looking at
                                    as you stare into space ?
                        i would say nothing but
            i�m not sure of that
i would ask you but
            the expression on your face
                        has me smitten
            has me brutalized and beaten and cut
you destroy my facade
            like you can only do
                        and only do to me
                                    this love so beautiful and odd
                                                and i see all your cares
                                    i see all of you me you
                        when i see your eyes
and look into your stares

Download it at deviantART.